Real Estate Marketing with Direct Mail Advertising
The market is full of real estate agents, it’s the perfect time for realtors to step up their game.
Design Mistakes to Avoid
Designing can seem easy, but the details can take you down when it comes to print. Often designers feel confident working with free online software to create images for online, and it goes well. When creating artwork for print, many other factors need to be considered.
Direct Mail is relevant now, more than ever!
Navigating the marketing world during a pandemic can be challenging. Some companies hit the “cancel” button on advertising; but, now more than ever, it’s critically important to hang on to your company’s existing customers. Let them know you are still here for them with more than an email.
Informed Delivery® With PPS Plus!
How often have you looked for a "check in the mail" or a special letter to hit your mailbox? You don't have time to run home for lunch, and you wished there was a way to look in your mailbox without being there.
Reach Your Perfect Customer With List Services
The first step to a successful direct mail marketing campaign is ensuring that the mailing list you use is the most effective and complete. Many companies make the mistake of never getting their customer's contact information or failing to keep up contact.
How To Increase Student Recruitment Rates
The competition for new students is fierce in the world of academia. It doesn't matter if you are talking about top universities or local community colleges. There are always colleges vying to gain the attention of students. Standing out in the crowd gets more difficult each year.
How To Reach Today's College Students
Digital marketing is definitely here to stay. Yet, it has not taken the place that direct mail has in marketing. Smart college recruiters know that combining direct mail and digital marketing is the way to reach prospective college students. How is this possible?